Friday, May 31, 2019

Bipolar Disorder and the Creative Genius Essay -- Biology Essays Resea

Bipolar Disorder and the Creative GeniusBipolar disorder, also cognise as frantic depression, is a psychopathology that affects approximately 1% of the population. (1) hostile unipolar disorder, also known as major affective disorder or depression, bipolar disorder is characterized by vacillating between periods of elation (either passionateness or hypomania) and depression. (1, 2) Bipolar disorder is also not an illness that remedies itself over clip people affected with manic depression are manic-depressives for their entire lives. (2, 3) For this reason, researchers retain been struggling to, first, more than(prenominal) quickly diagnose the onset of bipolar disorder in a patient and, second, to more effectively treat it. (4) As more and more studies have been performed on this disease, the peculiar occurrence between extreme creativity and manic depression have been uncovered, leaving scientists to deal with yet some other puzzling aspect of the psychopathology. (5) Pat ients with bipolar disorder swing between major depressive, mixed, hypomanic, and manic episodes. (1-9) A major depressive episode is when the patient has either a gloomy whim or a loss of interest/ delectation in typical activities for a minimum of two weeks. Specific aloney, the patient should have (mostly) depressed mood for most of the day, nearly every day low interest or pleasure in activities weight loss or gain (a difference of 5% either way in the period of a month) insomnia or hypersomnia psychomotor storm or retardation fatigue or loss of energy diminished ability to think or concentrate feelings of worthlessness recurrent thoughts of death or suicidal ideation or attempt. It is important to note that, except for the last symptom, all of these symptoms must be ... ... of such caliber in these people is something to conserve. As more effective drug treatment is being sought after, hopefully thither will be medication that will permit the creative genius of the patien ts and spare them to function in society as well. Bibliography1. http// 2. Rescorla, Leslie. Psychology 209, irregular Psychology. Bryn Mawr College, Apr 1998. 3. http// 4. http// 5. http// 6. http// 7. http// 8. http// 9. http// 10. http// Bipolar Disorder and the Creative Genius Essay -- Biology Essays ReseaBipolar Disorder and the Creative GeniusBipolar disorder, also known as manic depression, is a psychopathology that affects approximately 1% of the population. (1) Unlike unipolar disorder, also known as major affective disorder or depression, bipolar disorder is characterized by vaci llating between periods of elation (either mania or hypomania) and depression. (1, 2) Bipolar disorder is also not an illness that remedies itself over time people affected with manic depression are manic-depressives for their entire lives. (2, 3) For this reason, researchers have been struggling to, first, more quickly diagnose the onset of bipolar disorder in a patient and, second, to more effectively treat it. (4) As more and more studies have been performed on this disease, the peculiar occurrence between extreme creativity and manic depression have been uncovered, leaving scientists to deal with yet another puzzling aspect of the psychopathology. (5) Patients with bipolar disorder swing between major depressive, mixed, hypomanic, and manic episodes. (1-9) A major depressive episode is when the patient has either a depressed mood or a loss of interest/pleasure in normal activities for a minimum of two weeks. Specifically, the patient should have (mostly) depressed mood for most of the day, nearly every day diminished interest or pleasure in activities weight loss or gain (a difference of 5% either way in the period of a month) insomnia or hypersomnia psychomotor agitation or retardation fatigue or loss of energy diminished ability to think or concentrate feelings of worthlessness recurrent thoughts of death or suicidal ideation or attempt. It is important to note that, except for the last symptom, all of these symptoms must be ... ... of such caliber in these people is something to conserve. As more effective drug treatment is being sought after, hopefully there will be medication that will permit the creative genius of the patients and allow them to function in society as well. Bibliography1. http// 2. Rescorla, Leslie. Psychology 209, Abnormal Psychology. Bryn Mawr College, Apr 1998. 3. http// 4. http// 5. http//www.schizo 6. http// 7. http// 8. http// 9. http// 10. http//

Thursday, May 30, 2019

The finacial crisi of the French Revolution :: essays research papers

How Serious Was The Pre-Revolutionary Financial Crisis Between 1786-88, And How Significant Was The Clash Between The Notables And Calonne In FailingTo Solve It?On the twentieth of august 1786 Charles Alexandre de Calonne, comptroller-general of the royal finances, informed tabby Louis XVI that the stir was on the verge of a pecuniary melt master. Whilst non having exact details to the financial figures to show the full extent of the problem, it is neer the less(prenominal) recognized that France was in serious financial difficulty. What then did Calonne propose to sort this financial mess out? How was he to convince the King and the Notables that France was in financial danger and to give backing to his solutions? This essay will attempt to answer such questions by examining the financial crisis France was in and by looking at Calonnes proposals in which to solve it. We shall also examine his failure to convince the Notables and the steps to his acrimonious dismissal.First th en lets look at the financial state of affairs concord to Calonnes calculations the total revenue for France in 1786 would amount to 475 one thousand thousand livres. The problem was though, that expenditure would come to a total of approximately 587 million livres. That meant a deficit of 112 million roughly a fifth of the entire annual revenue. This rise in deficit was due to a huge increase in state acquire since 1777. As a result of the huge amounts of money the state was borrowing there was also the huge rise in the annual amuse and repayments that the treasury had to dispurse. Indeed since 1777, Calonne claimed that ariubd 1,250 million livres had been borrowed. A lot of this borrowing was due to financing the various wars that french kings of the eighteenth century were prone to fighting. The last one, French pursuit in the American Civil War between 1778-83, had a crippling effect on the economy and was substantial in rendering it down to the attitude that Calonne had announced to Louis XVI. What then did the comptroller-general propose to do? To be fair to Calonne he was not lucky enough to have a myriad of options for him to lap with. For pattern it would be natural to think that in a time of economic crisis, an increase in tax would be an obvious step- yet not so for Calonne. France was already regarded as one of the most highly taxed states in Europe, and the average Frenchman was already feeling the burden of the Kings borrowing.The finacial crisi of the French Revolution essays research written document How Serious Was The Pre-Revolutionary Financial Crisis Between 1786-88, And How Significant Was The Clash Between The Notables And Calonne In FailingTo Solve It?On the twentieth of august 1786 Charles Alexandre de Calonne, comptroller-general of the royal finances, informed King Louis XVI that the state was on the verge of a financial meltdown. Whilst not having exact details to the financial figures to show the full extent of the p roblem, it is never the less recognized that France was in serious financial difficulty. What then did Calonne propose to sort this financial mess out? How was he to convince the King and the Notables that France was in financial danger and to give backing to his solutions? This essay will attempt to answer such questions by examining the financial crisis France was in and by looking at Calonnes proposals in which to solve it. We shall also examine his failure to convince the Notables and the steps to his acrimonious dismissal.First then lets look at the financial situation according to Calonnes calculations the total revenue for France in 1786 would amount to 475 million livres. The problem was though, that expenditure would come to a total of approximately 587 million livres. That meant a deficit of 112 million roughly a fifth of the entire annual revenue. This rise in deficit was due to a huge increase in state borrowing since 1777. As a result of the huge amounts of money the s tate was borrowing there was also the huge rise in the annual interest and repayments that the treasury had to dispurse. Indeed since 1777, Calonne claimed that ariubd 1,250 million livres had been borrowed. A lot of this borrowing was due to financing the various wars that French kings of the eighteenth century were prone to fighting. The last one, French involvement in the American Civil War between 1778-83, had a crippling effect on the economy and was substantial in rendering it down to the situation that Calonne had announced to Louis XVI. What then did the comptroller-general propose to do? To be fair to Calonne he was not lucky enough to have a myriad of options for him to work with. For instance it would be natural to think that in a time of economic crisis, an increase in tax would be an obvious step- yet not so for Calonne. France was already regarded as one of the most highly taxed states in Europe, and the average Frenchman was already feeling the burden of the Kings bor rowing.

Capital Punishment is State Sanctioned Murder Essay example -- Argumen

Capital Punishment is State Sanctioned Murder     Capital punishment is state sanctioned, premeditated murder.  It is morally, ethically, and socially wrong.   Murder is the learned kill of one person by another.  Capital punishment does just that.  It takes the life of one person and uses another, the executioner, to do it.  In the state of Indiana, the warden of the state prison acts as the executioner.  The killing takes place before the hour of sunrise on a fixed day.  The warden, executioner, flips a switch that sends electrical current into the body of the convicted prisoner, frankincense ending the prisoners life.  What happens during the execution is one persons life is intentionally ended by the act of another.  The difference, however, is that capital punishment is condoned by the state.  The states Supreme Court, Appeals Court, Superior courts, and prosecutors all prank an important role in condoning the use of capital punishment.   Many precautions are taken to ensure that all due process rights are given to the offender.  I wonder how many times we vex process an innocent man or woman?  Last month, in the state of Virginia, a man was executed for the brutal rape and murder of his sister-in-law.  Throughout his 11 year stay on death row, he claimed he was not guilty of this crime.  We may neer know the truth, yet his life was ended.  If his innocence could be proven today, there would be no way to reverse the punishment.  There is no doubt that we have executed innocent people in this country.   Throughout our lives we are taught that it is wrong to take the life of ... ...ustice that is being served?  In my involvement with offenders on death row, I see the pain of their families as they go through the appeals process hoping and praying that their loved ones sentence be overturned.   The use of the death penalty shows us that revenge is esteemed in our society.  The cost of incarcerating an offender for their lifetime is much less than the cost of executing that same offender.  In spite of the lower cost to imprison, we continue to execute offenders.  To me, this mindset shows a system that considers the death of another to be a victory.   Murder and capital punishment are synonymous.  Both consist of the intentional killing of a human being.  Both are morally, ethically, and socially wrong.  The only difference is one form of killing is considered to be lawful.  

Wednesday, May 29, 2019

The Common Origins of the World’s Major Religions Essay -- Essays Pape

The Common Origins of the Worlds Major Religionsall(a) too often in modern society it is the differences and conflicts that serve to separate religious groups that are emphasized. The mainstream media, fundamentalists propaganda, and other sources choose to ignore the numerous similarities that many religions share, and instead focus on the divisive elements. In this paper, I will attempt to shed light on the many commonalities in dogma that I believe exist between the major(ip) religions of the world. I also want to illustrate the fact that in addition to having similar core teachings, many religions stick out histories that have either endured or arisen during measure of persecution. It is ironic that in many cases, the persecution that a particular group faces happens to be at the hands of the mainstream of a society who at one time or another had been persecuted themselves for their religious dogmas. Throughout the history of civilization, religion has played an essentia l role in many societies. There are many reasons why religions have played such a prominent role in defining the culture of a society, but arguably the most notable of these reasons is that a belief or reliance in a spiritual or divine power can add meaning and significance to may peoples worldly lives. This phenomenon has proven to be especially true amongst persecuted peoples. One of the reasons why persecuted peoples have shown a great propensity for holding steadfast religious beliefs is that their faith can give them a sense of hope and reason for living despite the terrible conditions of persecution. Evidence of this can be seen in the Jewish, Christian, and Islamic societies. All three of these societies have been subjected to varying forms of pers... ...micro as well as macro levels.Works CitedArmstrong, Karen. The Battle for God. New York ergodic House, Inc. 2000.Armstrong, Karen. Islam. New York The Modern Library. 2000.Chilton, Bruce. Rabbi Jesus. New York Random House, Inc. 2000.Encyclopedia Britannica 2002Herman, A.L. A Brief Introduction to Hinduism. Boulder Westview Press. 1991.Humphreys, Christmas. Exploring Buddhism. London George Allen & Unwin Ltd. 1974.Kauffman, William E. Contemporary Jewish Philosophies. New York University Press of America. 1985.Iftekhar, Mahmood. Islam Beyond Terrorists and Terrorism. Lanham University Press of America. 2000.Christians Try to Recapture Jewish Roots, http//

Boss Mustang :: essays research papers

1997329 party boss CoupeThe 1997 329 emboss Coupe is great. It has excellent ratings from consumer magazines. The BOSS can go from 0-60 in 3.2 seconds. 0-60 in 3.2 seconds is outstanding compared to many sports cars. This car was just released to customers like ourselves 2 weeks ago. One-thousand of these have already been sold around the United States. Consumer mag rated this car so high that people were calling the publisher of the magazine and carrying if it was a joke. The editor said it was no joke, and Ill tell you the same. The BOSS comes with a V-10 engine which was tested and tested at the BOSS plant to be top of the line. This great car also comes with a 6-speed manual transmission. I would like to hear from you what you think of the 329 BOSS Coupe. Heres some statistics on the 329 BOSS.h V-10 Engineh 425 horsepowerh 0-60 in 3.2 secondsh 6-speed manual transmissionh composite body h oftentimes, much moreThe 329 BOSS is not a big car at all. In fact the BOSS is short. The reason the car is so short and arrow-dynamic is so the car can get more speed when flying down the road. The BOSS is a 4-seater with comfortable space for children. I myself have been privileged enough to drive this car. The first thing I noticed when driving the car was the eloquence it had. This car was extremely light, 2164 pounds. Motor World has examined this car from front to back and give it a perfect 10. Every magazine Ive looked at has rated this car no lower than a 8.5 which is still extremely high. This car itself has the looks, drive, and speed to out perform any major sports car on the market. I would ask any of my readers to go to their local BOSS dealer and get a test drive on this car. I know youll love it as much as me and more. Im encouraging you to tell your friends about this car. and how great it is. Oops I havent told you the top speed for this car. It can top 270 and has even so been known to get in the 280s. Have I given you the impression that this is the best car of the year? If not then please write me a letter telling me what you dont understand or believe.

Tuesday, May 28, 2019

Pope John Paul II as a Candidate for Canonization Essay example -- ess

The question of whether or not that Pope John capital of Minnesota II should be canonized can be answered by a review of his teachings and his actions throughout his life. There are countless details and reasons which illustrate that Pope John Paul II is a probable and anticipated candidate for canonization. John Paul has practiced heroic virtue, lived in fidelity to gods grace, and is believed to carry the divine Spirit inside him. These reasons will be supported by linking his life on earth with a canonization excerpt from the Catechism. John Paul was supporting and ratifying. His journey began on May 18, 1920 in southern Poland. Johns mother died when he was only 9 years old and was raised by his single father who supported his schooling. He was always optimistic and looked forward to aiding others through his path, until he enters Heaven. As a young teenager, John was an athlete and an actor. condescension his busy schedule, he always took time to work as a volunteer li brarian. This demonstrates that John Paul shows Gods grace in aid others in spite of living a fun and ruthless life as ...

Pope John Paul II as a Candidate for Canonization Essay example -- ess

The question of whether or not that Pope John Paul II should be canonized can be answered by a review of his teachings and his actions throughout his life. There are countless details and reasons which illustrate that Pope John Paul II is a probable and anticipated panorama for canonization. John Paul has practiced heroic virtue, lived in fidelity to gods grace, and is believed to carry the Holy Spirit inside him. These reasons will be support by linking his life on earth with a canonization excerpt from the Catechism. John Paul was supporting and ratifying. His journey began on May 18, 1920 in grey Poland. Johns mother died when he was only 9 years old and was raised by his single father who supported his schooling. He was forever and a day optimistic and looked forward to aiding others through his path, until he enters Heaven. As a young teenager, John was an athlete and an actor. Despite his busy schedule, he always took time to wreak as a volunteer librarian. This dem onstrates that John Paul shows Gods grace in helping others in spite of living a manoeuvre and ruthless life as ...

Monday, May 27, 2019

Semiotics Essay

Serrena Wortham English 101/Johnson Semiotics Essay 1 10/18/12 Country Stars Within Society on t lid point are a lot of movies with a main character stereo-typed as a cowpoke that might have dark skin from working in the sun, is muscular, has rough hands, and a southern drawl. He might ride a horse, work really hard in the barn or on a tractor, sing or defraud a classic rural song, and is gentleman to all woman. This is an image that comes in the mind of many people who think of cowsons, and in that respect could be some out in that location like this description. Based upon movies with characters like this, has the truth been twisted to make all these stereo-types?The media has created the idea of these male country stars be rugged and dangerous, giving a physical attraction or desire, and in addition cosmos loyal and respectful to woman. These technically are not injurious things, but they could be stereo-typical and judgmental. Male country stars are portrayed as masculin e or rough in many magazine covers, ads, movies and TV shows. For mannequin in a Wranglers Retro Jeans ad, Jason Aldean smirks at the camera wearing his worn out blue jeans frayed at the bottom, ragged on t-shirt, and classic cowboy hat at one of his concerts. This laid back look of his is not very unheard of by country males.This ad shows Jason can have a full range of motion in the jeans, that they are durable enough to hold him all the way through his high energy concerts and other twenty-four hours activities. This implies that a male country star is hard on his jeans and needs them to be durable and reliable. Another suit within this ad is the Wranglers logo. A roofy spells out Wranglers on a leather patch with thick visible stitching. This shows that it will not move no matter what you put it through, such as the hard work of a cowboy. By looking at adds and pictures this is what you see but other examples can be hidden in lyrics of many country stars.For example Justin Mo ores song I Could Kick Your Ass. You got your million bucks, You got your flashy sports car, You got your trophy girls, Man you think youre a star, You got your teeth bleached, You like to play the rich game, Yeah you think youre a cowboy, The new Jesse James, I could kick your ass Justin Moore is claiming the person he is singing to is feminine and would loose in a fight against himself. He wants to show his rugged, harsh nature to his opponent to intimidate or fire him up to fight. This could be portrayed as bad boy behavior, which can be desirable.The barbaric attitude and look of these country stars can also be seen as sexy. COUNTRYS HOTTEST GUYS is one of first things seen on the April 2012 Country Special of People magazine cover, besides Blake Sheltons enlarged perfected smirk. He is one of the nicer dressing country stars of today with his light aslant button up shirt and vest, nicely controlled hair, but with the sexy unpolished look of his unshaven face and intimate eyes . As if this look doesnt pussy your eyes enough the text fitted close to his face, Blake Shelton- His funniest (AND BEST) interview ever , will catch your eyes. Not only are they selling his looks but his personality also. It shows that there is more to see inside. Even if you werent attracted by his looks you could be drawn in by the fact that he is funny. Desiring an attractive, intimate, and funny guy is enough to taint a magazine for many woman, but there are a few more factors that are shown in other advertisements. In the poster for assurance Hill and Tim McGraws new fragrances, Tim shows his cheerion and loyalty to his wife by his body language, while Faith shows her contentment.His body is almost completely sheltering Faith from whatever could get her, his slight glare and straight mouth expression shows his seriousness and love towards the woman he is protecting. This look, the dark plainness of his shirt, and his classic cowboy hat shows his rough side while Faiths sm ile and contentment with her husband shows how loved she feels by a man who is as loyal as he. They are both looking in the same direction off to the left, this symbolizes they share the same oddments and feelings for each other. They are together and are sharing something mportant. all(prenominal) together this cowboy/country star is absolutely in love, loyal, and protective of his wife. After his recent marriage to Miranda Lambert, Blake Shelton in his song Honey Bee has lyrics that form insofar another example. Youll be my soft and sweet, Ill be your strong and steady, Youll be my glass of wine, Ill be your shot of whiskey, Youll be my sunny day, Ill be your shade tree,Youll be my honeysuckle, Ill be your honey bee In this song he demonstrates how perfectly things work together contrasting.Miranda being his soft and sweet, just like Faith letting her husband protect her and love her. Blake being the strong and steady protecting and respecting his wife, just like Tim. Miranda being the glass of wine demonstrates a soft relaxation while Blake being a shot of whiskey can also demonstrate a harsh, rugged personality. As I have explained, cowboys having a blunt ruggedness, seen as physically attractive and their respectful, loyal personalities make up the stereo-types of country stars today.Have people used this stereo-type of cowboys to make money or sell an idea? This is definitely how advertising operates. Creating a good idea in a movie or TV show, making it desirable and then making products and selling them based off of the stereo-type. For example when a little boy sees a Star Wars movie and suddenly wants to be Luke Skywalker, he will beg his parents for a light-saber, and this is the goal to advertising, which had made country music as big as it is today.

Sunday, May 26, 2019

Information System Briefing

Information system briefing By Adrienne Williams Healthcare Information systems HCS/483 10/16/12 Instructor Dionne Mahaffey Introduction In this cultivation system briefing I will be discussing the process of researching and selecting Good information systems, when selecting a system you must always know the goal of the organization. gener aloney how this change can affect the stakeholders selection process. This system is distinct by way of an electrical form of communicating information (American Heritage Dictionary).In studies its attain to see the theory of information systems is just shared ideas and information telecommunication though a computer. This type of technology has become rattling valuable when it comes to program line and learning material system modules for any organization. In most accomplishment the general point of the project rest on having a system in place that can implementing a plan to meet the necessities of the healthcare Manufacturing business world today. Applying an information system is always a difficult task. Its very significant to select a system that will benefit the organization accomplishments.Information Systems Briefing In many cases when it comes to healthcare organization being up to further with the latest technology can and will help offer top notch patient care services. Most organization who are up to ascertain has an department dedicated to information system it is in place to safeguard the technology up to the standards it needs to be. Updating this type of technology can be a bit of a challenge. The attach to always has a team of people to organize the information must choose the best technology for them to get to the goals that are set for the company.Stakeholders are involved in every part of the planning and the setting up of the goals if the organization if the stakeholders do not know the stairs about the information system technology they wont know whats taking place. Once goals are set into place its no longer difficult to choose the flop information system. Part of the process of getting the system to work correctly for the company can be ideal however its quite lengthy. The selection of a new healthcare information system (HIS) has been known to be overwhelming process for most clinicians.If the company can prevent any past mistakes of other companies that have tried but failed that will be of lessons learned. Whats to keep in mind is play of collaborators involved in electronic healthcare interventions. Its identified and classified by five categories data management, data creation, data sharing, modules management and data presentation. When training what needs to be done in the selection of obtaining an information system, it is set in place to be how the organization will begin. Then the research for the right system the organization has picked is done.While doing the research, everyone involved should derive be able to understand the technology before it is intr oduces to the entire organization (kim, king, & Brown, 2010). The ones who the team always aim to be active is the stakeholders, with that being said the all teams will have to exhibit the main topics to the stakeholders before applying this system into the organization. When implementing the system another important part of the research is for the shareholders to understand the process for this system, (Martin, Sargent, Naomi, & Swiernik, 2011). The cost is another portion that must go to the stakeholders.Closing When strategic planning is finished, the motivation for every person involved has increased and it built a shared vision to see the success of the project. When the members of the team have great communication that is what makes the key to a successful project. The members of the vision ,clarity, and good performance measures all play a role. Reference page Romanow, Darryl Sunyoung Cho Straub, Detmar. MIS Quarterly. Sep2012, Vol. 36 Issue 3, piii-A18. 26p. 24 Charts, 2 Gr aphs. Paschali, Kallirroi Tsakona, Anna Health Science Journal, 2012 Jul-Sep 6 (3) 418-31 (journal article algorithm, review) ISSN 1108-7366

Saturday, May 25, 2019

Progressive Rock Legacy Essay

Music is a form of expression that allows mechanic to share their experiences with others. A faultfinding time in the progress of music especially rock music came about in the 1960s. M any(prenominal) Individuals during that time turned to music to ease the troubles carriage out on in the world. The hipster reason was a new phenomenon that came about during this time period. Drugs and sex became rattling favorite amongst the people who were into rock music and sort out of the hippie movement. People of this counterculture turned away from the norms of life and wanted a much simpler life.This counterculture allowed music to improper for the time period and the revolution of rock music. dockage Dylan was one of the first to introduce progressive rock music. He was doing a show at a folk music concert when he out of use(p) in his electric guitar while singing folk music. People in the crowed were outrage, but in due time the music caught on. Bob Dylan combined bluegrass with rock music and created masterpieces. His spontaneity and creativity allowed listeners to slowly ease into a new type of music. The Beatles, like Bob Dylan, created new sounds for their audiences.Given that the Beatles were precise popular, they could look into more than most artists without the fear of failure. The Beatles added lyrics about racy subjects that would have appalled many people just a couple years before. Since the Beatles were so popular and they exposed the public to this new progressive rock music, it allowed other artist to join the progressive rock era. Progressive rock music cannot easily be defined. The music includes new sounds, jam sessions, trippy noises, and combining all sort of musical genres into one. White middle aged, middle class kids normally listened to this type of music.Largely influenced by the music, many of these listeners had a very different view of the world from their parents. These kids liked the experiences they got while listing to pro gressive rock music. It was something that they could talk about with their friends and not their parents. This was cognize as the generation gap. The idea of love, liberty, and minimal materialistic needs among these young listeners lead to a movement known as the Hippie Movement. The flower people had a completely different view of the world than those living in normal society.Instead of finding happiness in families, jobs, and nice things, hippies lay out happiness in the non-materialistic things in life. The hippies no longer spent money on an education, nice clothes, or even a shelter. Second drop dead stuff was popular amongst this movement. Love once meant marriage, but the hippie saw it in a different light. Everyone loved everyone and sex was very common. The hippie counterculture did not frown on making love without organism married. many a(prenominal) of these people had multiple crackners and that was accepted. Countless number of the songs during the sixties agr eed with the hippie counterculture.Songs such(prenominal) as Like a Rolling Stone by the Beatles talked about how well educated people dropped out of society to live a simple life. The song addresses issues such as having no direction and having to scrounge for the next meal. The hippies did not mind living this kind of live style. Other songs such as Love me Do also by the Beatles, although very simple explain the sex culture between the hippies. Lyrics such as somebody to love, Somebody new, Someone to love, Someone like you showed it did not matter who you were loving as long as you were open to new experiences.The reason why people of the hippie movement liked to listen to this new type of rock music and join a counterculture that goes against everything normal in society is because the listener is free to interoperate the music any way they wanted. Unlike in real life no one is telling the listener what to do or think. The hippies were about individualism and freedom to expres s and the music let them experience that. A normal conversation between two hippies would be about what they thought the music was onerous to convey and how the music made them feel. They would learn from each other and were free to think what they wanted.The principal common thread that was apart of not hardly the hippie movement, but also most of the artist of the late sixties that was part of the counterculture and progressive rock music was drugs. Drugs such as marijuana and acid were very popular within the hippie culture because it allowed them to escape reality and opened their minds to the music. It was a way for the hippies to feel the music in a way they could not when they sober. The feeling of being apart of the song not just audition to the song was key for the hippies listening to the music.The drugs allowed the mind to escape and hump the present time. A quote from Tony (ask jarl his last name), a famous musician, nails why the drugs such as marijuana and acid wer e so popular for people listening to music. Tony states, I think if you smoke (marijuana) this enables you to sit back and relax more than anything, and lets you listen (to music), you know, without any hang-ups, you sit back and listen. Whereas with acid you consider right into the music its a ampleger thing altogether.You hear things on Pink Floyd on acid, well I do, that I dont hear when Im straight. When on drugs the listener can interoperate the meaning of the songs in a completely different manner then if the listener is sober. breathing out along with the counterculture of the hippie movement, freedom is key and drug allowed hippies to think freely when listening to the new and improved groovy tracks. Expression did not only come in the form of talking amongst the hippies. Hippies at live shows while on acid would expression themselves through leap. The acid allowed the listener to dance whatever way the music made them feel. This goes back to the individualism that was s o important to the hippie movement.People did not judge one another by the way they dance, everyone was so into the music that they were oblivious to what was going on next to them. Another form of expression was the light shows during live performances. Artist would combine very colorful lightshows to enhance the viewing experience of the listener. A very popular visual effect would be projecting oil and water onto a big screen. Combining great music and stimulating visual effects with drugs such as acid caused the hippie culture to be infatuated with live shows. love shows were so popular and it would allow artist to be exposed.Without the live shows, artist would not have got nearly as much exposure to new fans. Many of the artist in the sixties were joining in on the counterculture and experimenting with drugs. By using drugs the artist became more experimental and could connect with the listeners. While writing artist could keep the listeners in mind and right music that would be stimulating to everyone. Drawn out solos and experimenting with all different types of sounds were encouraged. Songs included very interesting noises such as sounds of animals locked up in cages and sounds of love making between groups of people.These were included to allow the listener to interoperate the song in a way that made intelligence to them. A great example of an artist that connected with his audience and joined in on the counterculture of the sixties was Jimmy Hendrix. He would talk about his experiences with the drugs such is so in the song Purple Haze. This would allow the audience to connect with him. Not only was Jimmy Hendrix making great music, but he was also part of the listeners counterculture. Jimmy also included sick Guitar licks in his music. Real groovy stuff.His guitar sounded like it was telling a fable all by itself. The counterculture of the 1960s that included the hippie movement, the expression of freedom, love and drugs, all contributed to the g reat music that was produced during that time. It helped music become progressive rock music. The progression was attributed to both the artist and the followers. If the artist did not have the hippie movement, the culture would have been much different and the music would not have been so experimental. Drugs, part of the hippie movement, were very important to this movement as well.The artist could create sounds that allowed listeners to get lost in the music. The artist themselves would create the music and while being lost in it themselves. One of the key virtues that everyone of this movement followed was finding one self. The music of this time period help individual find themselves. As quoted by Harry (ask Jarl his last name), It (the music) played a big part in making me the way I am now. Many of these people that listened and undergo progressive rock music to the fullest would agree with Harry.

Thursday, May 23, 2019

Public Display of the Ten Commandments Essay

People often find memorization exhausting and more(prenominal) like tiresome. All those numerous words and lines to find tend to tire and bore al or so of them. Moreover, most of the time, they tend to memorize just for the heck of it and not for the benefit of understanding and k in a flashledge. The ten-spot Commandments be some of the most popular lines that Christians should memorize and know by heart. These lines have long served as Christians guiding passages and words towards the path to righteousness and moralisticity.However, considering the generation todaywhen more and more tribe detest the idea of memorizing and designateing very thick pages volition the Ten Commandments cool it possess their utmost effect? Will they be subject to serve their purpose of guiding the quite a little towards goodness when not all Christians nowadays argon able to memorize them? In what ways stack the Christian Church as certain(predicate) that people are still living up to the me ssage presented by the Ten Commandments?These are just some of the uncertainties on the effectiveness of the sanctum sanctorum Bible in instigateing people about the Ten Commandments. Is Reading Enough? Today, as the developments in the information technologies continue to rise, the usual activities like conversing, send messages, and even reading base be done through the use of a computer and an internet connective. Considering this reality, doubts on whether people nowadays are still grasping the idea of the Ten Commandments by reading the Bible whitethorn arise.However, this can be possible if there are numerous electronic copies of the Holy Bible available for people to access anywhere, and such copies have plenty of attractive visual designs, as humans are inherently visual beings (Pahlavan 270). charitables visual system is supported by other sensory organs which empower and strengthen its sensitivity to stimuli. Putting these facts in simpler terms, a person is said to have a natural tendency to prefer things which are more attractive to the instinct of sight above other senses.Hence, it may be understandable why people tend to read more colorful and visually attractive materials compared to the intimidating and profound words of the Holy Bible. Knowing this, it can be inferred that putting a Bible beside a person who has the access to the internet and all its wonders would assure that that person would read it and understand what it says. Furthermore, people can no longer expect most children to prioritize the memorization of the Ten Commandments when they have all those tough and demanding homework and projects to do.Thus, is the Christian Church still secure that people read The Bible and the Ten Commandments free-and-easy? If not, then how can the Ten Commandments be further go ond? Appealing to Humans Visual druthers At present, the huge banners, billboards, posters, and different visual advertisements are typical scenery along roads, m alls, and literally almost everywhere. Various creative, artistic, and innovative ways are now used just to disseminate information better.Nowadays, these methods are typically through very visual advertisements. The message of the Holy Bible, specifically the Ten Commandments, is considered as the most important and pertinent teaching of the Christian faith. Compared to the public service announcements of the government, malls sales forwarding, introduction of a new filth of soda, and all the other popular topics of ads today, it calculates that the promotion of the Ten Commandments and all the other relevant messages of the Holy Bible has become a little unmerited.It is ironic that these messages are what appears to be the most significant and relevant messages for the people, yet why are there more ads for sodas, clothing lines, celebrities, and TV shows as compared to these important reminders? Also, if the Ten Commandments appear to be the greatest instructions and guidelin es the people must comply with, why are there simpler and shorter road signs and traffic rules displayed compared to these profound yet very important words to follow and live by? This seems to be the greatest irony in todays advertisements and visual display practices.The significance of the Ten Commandments has been an eternal and undying idea among Christians. People precisely know that the Ten Commandments are the written key for salvation and freedom for sin, yet these commandments are still left unadvertised and unannounced compared to how the big ad agencies promote different products which do not actually level to the significance of the Ten Commandments in peoples everyday lives. Looking at this truth, it may seem disturbing and appalling how people value information that modern advertisements promote while they leave the message of the Ten Commandments unnoticed or disregarded.It also seems depressing, considering how the emplacement of people towards these commandments has changed over the generations. This change in attitude and interest might have been caused by the technological advancements that the intelligent and creative minds of people themselves have created. Thus, it may appear necessary for the advocates of the Holy Bible and the Ten Commandments to go and ride with the growing technology in order to assure that people are not forgetting the Ten Commandments.With this effort, it can also be assured that people will always be reminded about these commandments and what they really mean. The display of the Ten Commandments can be most typically seen in churches. People seldom see these messages displayed in billboards or in freedom walls and posters. However, knowing the importance of these commandments in the lives of people, will it be improper to publicly display this message, or is it more appropriate to leave these messages in the pages of the Bible, hence leaving the choice to people whether they will choose to read it or not.Conside ring the abovementioned claims about human beings as visual creatures, and about the growth of very powerful advertising techniques, it may indeed be necessary for the Ten Commandments to appeal to the human sense of sight in order to keep up with the powerful advertisements people see nowadays. There could be several ways on how this special message can be promoted in order not to violate other beliefs and culture. What matters most is to send the message and assure that Christians will always remember its significance wherever they go.A variety of learning theories attest that remembering does not usually happen in the blink of an eye. In reality, it actually takes most people a certain period of time to remember something and fully understand its meaning. Memorizing and remembering the Ten Commandment are not an easy task as well. It is not also everyday that a teacher asks their students to memorize the Ten Commandments. Thus, people are not really sure as to whether the Ten Com mandments are still remembered and observed nowadays. With this, it only goes to show that proper endorsement, exposure, and promotion are what these commandments really need.If public displays make a brand of soda very popular worldwide, how much more help it could do if a list of simple messages would be displayed to remind the people about moral stability and righteousness of the world? If powerful advertisements can make a politician and a celebrity known globally, how much more can it remind people about God who should be the most influential and the most popular idol above anyone else? This is not a major impossibility people are just being hesitant to make it happen. The Bottom LineThe Ten Commandments, in reality, may not be the most popular put together of phrases and commands there are for people to remember. Yet, these commandments must be the most popular and the most significant set of messages that people should remember to live by everyday. slice most people nowaday s tend to overlook and disregard the Ten Commandments, people can never deny or refute the fact that the commandments are the simplest and the most fundamental set of laws that Christians must follow each day of their lives in order to preserve their moral stability and their positive and open connection to the Lord.The Ten Commandments are even considered as the fence which, when broken, may let a sheep out in an open field without any direction and sense of security (Frederick 1). It does not actually take a Bible genius to understand and fully grasp the message of the Ten Commandments what someone needs is a person who is ready and willing to embrace what the Ten Commandments say in order to understand it fully. Perhaps, having these commandments displayed publicly may not violate Gods will, for it might even give Him great help in disseminating the good news.If people are able to remember the many traffic rules there are on the roads. It may not be that hard to remember these si mple commandments. If people are able to internalize popular phrases and quotes from politicians, it may not be that impossible as well for them to grasp what God is trying to teach people through the Ten Commandments. People are not always reminded everyday about the importance of the Ten Commandments and how these commandments should be lived out as well.Thus, displaying these special messages for public view may appear not just as a reminder but as an eternal and unchanging message as well of how the Lord wants His people to be always righteous and be on the right track.Works Cited Frederick, Allen. Do the Ten Commandments Matter? . Helium. com. 13 March 2009 . Pahlavan, Kourosh. Designing an Anthropomorphic Head-Eye System. Visual Attention and Cognition. Eds. C. Freska, H. S. Stiehl, and W. H. Zangemeister. Amsterdam, The Netherlands Elsevier Science, 1996. 269-292.

Wednesday, May 22, 2019

Educational achievement Essay

Educational institutions ease up two basic functions. On the one hand, they act as agencies of socialisation, transmitting social rules, norms and values on the other hand, they be mechanisms of allocation, channels for selecting and training people to fill the some(prenominal) occupations of industrial economies. This dual function of socialisation and allocation is fulfilled to some level by all developmental melodic lineations. However, in a society with a complex division of labour there is often a contradiction mingled with the two functions of socialisation and allocation.This essay will use both Marxist and Functionalist perspectives to question the educational system. Educational policies after the Second World War were generally concerned with facilitating greater, and to a greater extent equal, access to educational qualifications. This was attempted in R A Butlers 1944 Educational Act which sought to make entry to selective schools and universities meritocratic, t hat is subordinate on ability rather than social status or wealth.The Act proposed a system in which children would be transferred at the age of eleven to grammar, substitute(prenominal) modern, or technical schools according to their age, aptitude and ability. Grammar schools continued to be seen as superior and biased towards middle class viriles due to the academic subjects, math (traditionally a male subject) and English being the key indicators used to measure the students. Since we bugger off simple tests of discovering childrens natures (and there ar luckily two varieties of these) we locoweed perfectly easily tailor the schooling they get to suit these natures.Such a position accords a pretty self fulfilling and pessimistic function to education, and the concomitant this process of division has always produced a high correlation with the division between middle class and working class children simply serves to confirm the correctness of the division in the first plac e. ( Miller, 1992 pg. 15 ). The above quotation highlights how the commonly held attitudes towards the working class only reinforced the class distinction.Talcott Parsons stated in his typography on education its Functions to allocate these human resources inwardly the role structure of adult society, (Haralambos and Holborn, Sociology Themes and Perspectives 1995 pg. 729). Perhaps if the government had built a tumescentr sum of technical colleges then the education system would have been more roaring in allocating individuals into work roles that match their abilities. By its very nature the eleven positivist looked at students academic skills completely ignoring students personal abilities.Whereas in the education systems of Germany and Japan, in the same period, the majority of students took a vocational path in order to secure educational success. Perhaps this is why their societies achieved greater industrial and economic accomplishment (Abercrombie, Warde Contemporary B ritish Society 1994 pg. 350). Equally, successful entry to a grammar school was not guaranteed if the student had passed their eleven plus exam, this was due to the special(a) number of places.If we compare the number of grammar schools in Surrey, (which is known for its large percentage of upper and middle class), to the number in the industrial Midlands (with its high population of working class), there is proportionally less number of places for students, indeed fashioning the educational system largely a postcode lottery. It is sighted in Plummers Failing Working Class Girls, that not only did grammar schools have fall apart teachers but also superior buildings and resources- An overwhelming proportion of working class children were being educated in elementary schools.Their inferior buildings and resources, lack of graduate teachers and limited curriculum, compared badly with the better resourced secondary grammar and fee paying schools, attended mostly by children from mid dle class backgrounds. (Plummer 2000 pg. 15). From the 1960s onwards, education was increasingly measured in terms of economics i. e. as an institution of national interests rather than personal fulfilment. During this period racial and ethnic minority groups entered the debates, due to immigration becoming more prevalent.It was assumed that children coming from these backgrounds needed to become like the white populous as quickly as possible therefore little genuine mount was made (Finch, 1984). Perhaps this is due to the nature of the curriculum for example, history lessons concentrating on white European perspective with often-fanciful representations of ethnic cultures. Equally teachers and local authorities did not understand their growing presence in schools and it emerged that in some schools, Head teachers were refusing to admit more black pupils (Donald and Rattansi, Race, Culture and Difference, 1992 pg.14). Professor John Rex, a leading figure in British Race Relations R esearch, accused black youth of being arrogant, rumbustious and contempurious and having a certain fascination for violence. (Rex, New Debates in Black Politics 1990 pg. 18 and 33). Its hardly surprising that these students felt marginalised. In addition under achievement of ethnic groups appeared to be over looked- many of the teachers indicated they had never considered seriously the apparent failure or under achievement of working class or black children in the education system.(Lee, feel and Prejudice Teachers, Class and an Inner City Infants School, 1987 pg. 108). Girls coming from an ethnic minority are not the only group held back from achieving their wide-eyed say-so equally white girls coming from middle class backgrounds feel this. Even today, the dominant (arguably unconscious) ideologies to reinforce cultural norms of gender behaviour (Walker and Barton, 1983) both pupils and staff contact these norms in schools.Girls are not expected to do as well, are not broug ht up to be assertive to the same level as their male counterparts, and therefore tend to underachieve and blame themselves for it (Light and Dwek, 1987). Staff praise different qualities. Until very recently girls woofs in curriculum activities were limited, they were encouraged to veer away from scientific or technical subjects Deem 1978 sights girls examination result successes tend to be in art subjects, which have limited value for entry into employment and therefore lead females down a different route in further education.The format of exams themselves and other measures of curricular achievement are biased towards males e. g. multiple choice tests are geared towards male logic than female abilities. Issues such as these highlight the importance that moves are made to alter prejudice expectations and the way assessments are undertaken including educating teachers to understand their own biases, promoting a change in the expectations of girls so they can achieve what is really within their interests and capabilities.Another area in which the education system is failing today is the treatment of those to be deemed as special needs. The 1988 Education Act defined this by learning difficulty that calls for special educational formulation to be made. This definition obviously makes some comparison with a norm, this norm is not specified and different education authorities have different averages. Although steps are being taken to move away from labelling since the 1983 Warnock Report many such pupils are still educated separately within schools themselves or special schools together, this again becomes a self-fulfilling prophecy.Barton and Tomlinson (1981) ask, at which point does caring become controlling? this is due to current attitudes that problems are psychological, rather than social and pupils are categorised. Despite the promises of the 1940s Act and the many worthwhile reports that have been commissioned (and largely ignored), still the educatio n system in Britain is riddled with inequalities as invest out above. The education system has lost its focus on personal fulfilment. Arguably the pupil has become a homogenised asset to be utilize in the interest of economic progress.If the child does not meet this criteria then they are virtually excluded to protect the accepted norms that society seeks to reinforce on tomorrows world. In the ideal situation school children will learn a variety of skills throughout their schooling, to aid his or hers development to achieve their full potential. By the time a young person leaves school at whatever age suits their abilities and aspirations, they should be a self confident and fulfilled individual. for each one individual should have gained a wealth of knowledge, motivation for further development, life skills and exam success, which realistically reflects their capabilities.Equally a pupil should have had the opportunity to form friendships with peers and to have built relationsh ips with teaching staff, thus providing a positive image of society at all levels. Everyone should have been exposed to new ideas and activities. This is an ideal how many people having experienced the British Education system would relate their own schooling to this statement? For many this statement is totally alien to their experiences due to the implicit in(p) prejudices the institution reinforces such as the class structure, racism, sexism, beaurocracy and commercialism of schools.It is evident that British schooling has changed considerably since 1945, in many ways there has been great emolument for the majority of pupils. However still today there are a significant group covering ethnic minorities, girls and Special Educational Needs pupils who have largely been over looked so far. If Britain is to make the most from its human resources it is vital that attitudes change so that the individuals potential, which is currently ignored, may be fulfilled.Bibliography Miller, J. , 1992, More Has Meant Women The Feminisation of Schooling, build of Education and London Tufnell PressParsons, T. , 1995, Haralambos, M & Holborn, M. , Sociology Themes and Perspectives. Fourth edition. London Collins Educational Abercrombie, N & Warde, A. , 1994, Contemporary British Society. Second Edition.Cambridge Blackwell Publishers. Plummer, G, 2000, Failing Working Class Girls. Stoke-On-Trent, Trentham Books. Finch J. , 1984,Its big(p) To Have Someone To Talk To The Ethics and Politics of Interviewing Women, in C. Bell and Robert (eds) genial Researching Politics, Problems, Practice, London Routledge and Kegan Paul. Donald J. , Rattansi A,.1992, Race Culture & Difference, London, Sage Publications. Rex J. , 1990, Debates in Black Politics, Warwick, Warwick University.Lee, J. , 1987, Pride and Prejudice Teachers, Class and an Inner City Infants School, in m. Lawn and G. Grace (eds) Teachers The Cultural and Politics of Work, Lewes Falmer Press ODonnell G. , 1985, Mastering Sociology, Basingstoke, The Macmillan Press. Pugh, M,. 1994, State & Society A Social and Political History of Britain 1870-1997, London, Arnold Publishers. Other Sources Campaign for Real Education web-site www. cre. org. uk Word Count 1,691.

Tuesday, May 21, 2019

A Digest on the 7cs of Written Communication Essay

Clarity, completeness, coherence, conciseness, credibility, correctness, and continuity these be on the whole the 7 Cs of converse collectively, this is what is required to achieve much(prenominal) stiff communication practices which eventually lead to a more effective learning process. Each C in itself is already an enormous task to maintain but more so when we consider they ar not self-reliant of one another, they all work together to help us communicate most efficiently.Clear is when we vacate the reader to understand the concocting of our message, as you think it to be understood. When it is said that it should be so even the dullest man should understand it, it means we should simplify our vocabulary. The message, more importantly, should be crisp and precise. Thats how it brings the script bouncy and can bring flavor in the most arid and dry news story as totally, it figure outs the difference between a write-up that satisfies and one that does not. actualize is when a complete picture and all the information required for a reader to take meet and respond is all there. An adjective is also interpreted into consideration here unified- in individual sentences, individual paragraphs, and the whole totality of the script. Also take into consideration the principle that each simple sentence mustiness answer the who, what, when, why, where, and how questions as appropriate for each of your communication efforts.Coherent is closely related to clarity elementary to read and understand with a logical melt down and sequence it just means tying up several ideas in one topic.Concise is omitting all that creates ambiguity. It means saying all that needs to be said and no more.Credible is clarity, correctness and completeness added up to forceful and direct writing.Correct is the gauge as when readers whitethorn refuse your write up because of inaccuracy. intercourse should be in such a way that it includes making sure that the message you send i s correct. Your assignments and counterbalance should contain accurate information. Proofreading is also helpful to get over correctness.Lastly, continuity may well serve as the final balancing act. Brevity is the magic say it is the use of fewer words. It brings about continuity and decorate in your writing.LearningsIt is such a taxing task to read or listen as it takes so much effort and time. It is thus of utmost importance that the portmanteau of both principles (of unity, coherence and emphasis) alongside other essentials of effective communication (like language, planning and organization) all make the written communication effective. It then boils down to the 7 Cs considered here wherein I have been reminded once again that jargon has no bespeak in a written report if your excogitation is solely to be effective and forceful. It irritates to read high sounding words from an article that was supposed to apprehension the common Juan.It has also stressed the great respon sibleness on a would-be writer to produce a thought-over, meaty script that should never mean to impress but to give insight.Opinions/SuggestionsThere are also other Cs that should be considered here like convincing, considerate, and courtesy and I am not certain why there should barely be seven.Precision of communication is important, more important than ever, in our era of hair trigger balances, when a false or misunderstood word may create as much disaster as a sudden thoughtless act. JAMES THURBERAn in force(p) answer is like a kiss on the lips. PROVERBS 24267 Cs of COMMUNICATIONEssence of the materialClarity, completeness, coherence, conciseness, credibility, correctness, and continuity these are all the 7 Cs of communication collectively, this is what is required to achieve more effective communication practices which eventually lead to a more effective learning process. Each C in itself is already an enormous task to maintain but more so when we consider they are not ind ependent of one another, they all work together to help us communicate most efficiently.Clear is when we allow the reader to understand the meaning of our message, as you intended it to be understood. When it is said that it should be so even the dullest man should understand it, it means we should simplify our vocabulary. The message, more importantly, should be crisp and precise. Thats how it brings the script alive and can bring flavor in the most arid and dry news story as totally, it makes the difference between a write-up that satisfies and one that does not.Complete is when a complete picture and all the information required for a reader to take action and respond is all there. An adjective is also taken into consideration here unified- in individual sentences, individual paragraphs, and the whole totality of the script. Also take into consideration the principle that each simple sentence must answer the who, what, when, why, where, and how questions as appropriate for each o f your communication efforts.Coherent is closely related to clarity easy to read and understand with a logical flow and sequence it just means tying up several ideas in one topic.Concise is omitting all that creates ambiguity. It means saying all thatneeds to be said and no more.Credible is clarity, correctness and completeness added up to forceful and direct writing.Correct is the gauge as when readers may refuse your write up because of inaccuracy. Communication should be in such a way that it includes making sure that the message you send is correct. Your assignments and correspondence should contain accurate information. Proofreading is also helpful to address correctness.Lastly, continuity may well serve as the final balancing act. Brevity is the magic word it is the use of fewer words. It brings about continuity and grace in your writing.LearningsIt is such a taxing task to read or listen as it takes so much effort and time. It is thus of utmost importance that the portmante au of both principles (of unity, coherence and emphasis) alongside other essentials of effective communication (like language, planning and organization) all make the written communication effective. It then boils down to the 7 Cs considered here wherein I have been reminded once again that jargon has no place in a written report if your intention is solely to be effective and forceful. It irritates to read high sounding words from an article that was supposed to touch the common Juan.It has also stressed the great responsibility on a would-be writer to produce a thought-over, meaty script that should never mean to impress but to give insight.Opinions/SuggestionsThere are also other Cs that should be considered here like convincing, considerate, and courtesy and I am not certain why there should only be seven.Precision of communication is important, more important than ever, in our era of hair trigger balances, when a false or misunderstood word may createas much disaster as a sudde n thoughtless act.

Personal Narrative Essay on my first car Essay

There was eer one major thought, the goal, a simple fancy that made twinges of excitement flow through my body. The postponement was incredible, and it always seemed forever and a day before it would come true. This is a typical pre-teen, adolescent dream, except it was as important to me as the sun rising. Nothing would ever top this, once I had it, no one could take it away. Getting my drivers pass was only half the battle the dream was to have my very own car. I wanted it and I dreamed ab forbidden it everyday.In my earlier years of high school, my older booster amplifiers would drive me to and from school, just the normal everyday activities. Usu onlyy we would go walkover a bite to eat, drop off some of the other passengersmine was the third stop. Since I was to a fault young to participate in every(prenominal) the activities on their agendas, I was unable to tag along. I had rules and an over-protective mummy who was strict on what time I was to return home (and made sure I sinless my homework before every last(predicate)owing me to go out with my friends). As the time passed, and I was a bit older, all my close friends started to get their drivers authorizes and living the freedoms that I still yearned. They were able to come and go as they pleased without the hassles of bumming a ride. With their own transportation many were able to have to a greater extent choice jobs. My time for this accomplishment was nearing.That coming summer I was able to take my drivers training courses. I was thrilled to no end knowing how close I was to achieving the same sovereignty as my peers. I had two courses to masterly that I was raring to get done. With the pressures of high school and all the responsibilities that come along, it was non easy to find a job without my own car. After a play off months or searching for work, I put on my brave front and sought employment (at the ever-so dreaded) mall. I soon found a quaint job and began my quest to save bills. It seemed no matter how more than I worked, nor how much I wasable to sock away, scummy bills and responsibilities continued to get in the way. I often thought, All this money I am giving my friends for gas, I could be putting away, or spending on gas of my own Spending a mere five dollars per day alone, expenses were adding up quickly. Although I had small expenditures, I was still able to save here and there, and just prayed I would be rewarded with lots of monetary units when I graduated.After all my courses and many hours of driving with my mother and friends of age, I was hit for my road test. I was overly prepared, and k crude-fashioned I would ace this test. Without a second thought, I hit the principle running my parallel parking was flawless, speed limit was on target, and my hands on nine and xii as they should be (many whitethorn remember the old version on ten and two). Soon replete I was at the local Secretary of State, dressed up, more nervous about the picture then(prenominal) I was about the test it egotism. Within a few weeks, my small hard plastic license was in the mail. Only one problem remained, I had no vessel for travelingI had my license for nearly a year when my senior year was coming close to an end. I had a small amount of money saved and was depending heavily on graduation money to satisfy my thoughts and needs for buy a car. I had my sights set one car. It was within my price range, and met every one of my demands.The car was a 1985 Mercury Grand Marquis, crme colored (the year is now 2001). Matching Beige interior, working vitreous silica clock, dual exhaust cherry bomb mufflers (loud enough to set off a car alarm) complete with a CD player. I am not the type of girl who wants a brand new car. Mine had to be already loved and then hated enough to sell. A car that has its own distinguished smells of adventure. One that no longer has the owners manual, so you find out new appurtenances about the inner-workings and excites you to the point where you show the new features to all your comrades. The first time you clean it out, you may find treasures under the seats and in the nooks and crannies. It needs a lilliputian more love than the recumb so it will run nice and warm in the winter, and will not over passionateness in the summer. A place where you can listen to any of your CD collection and itsounds amazing (just because it is all yours). A car that can fit five or more people in, for those surprise trips that you cannot refuse. That was the finished car for me. One that you can give a divine name to, like Maurice.Within a few months of graduating, the Grand Marquis was put up for sale. A gleaming reddish orange FOR cut-rate sale sign hung proudly in the rear window, and it read in large, black letters $900 I could not believe they were going to let such a treasure car go for so little money It was all I could do to contain myself knowing I had just enough money to buy it, and still have some left over to get it washed and buy a few things to personalize the interior. Seeing as how it was a friends vehicle, I was first in line for bids. After a few days of negotiations (and me being a long time friend of the entire family) they let that beauty go for a measly $500There were tasks to be correct before I was able to show my very first car off. I purchased a new furry steering wheel cover with a matching pillows in the back that stated BLING $$ BLING in gold glitter, a super heavy duty car wash, a misting of Febreeze, a good transit down of the interior, and I was ready to gloat. I raced up onto my front lawn, careful to not mutilate the polecat or murder the daisies, and laid on the harmonic horn until the whole household was outside to spectator the cars majesty. I had put on the perfect track of everyones listening pleasure, The Joker by The Steve moth miller Band. Some people forebode me the space cowboy, yeah, some call me the gangster of love, some people call me Maurice It was awesomeA pubescent dream, whether big or small is important to ones self image or self-confidence. I could not imagine living in a world without dreams or aspirations, whether they are material objects or transcendental hopes. To some, a dream of a car seems inconsequential to others its their whole world. This was all I ever wanted in an automobile, just enough to transport me to my destinations and defer in me the carte blanche that I had always dreamt about.

Monday, May 20, 2019

Analysis on All the pretty Horses Essay

The style of Cormac McCarthys impudent All the Pretty Horses, reflects the significance and edition of roles that clams play in this coming-of-age story, as they relate to potty Grady Cole who is the focus of the novel. The vaulting horse, which was the social foundation of Hesperian American culture accordingly, is described as an economical and practical asset to the boys legerdemain Grady and Lacey Rawlins. However, the author in like manner describes horses abstract qualities using idyllic and impassioned diction, depicting them as animals of a highly advanced religious nature, similar to humans in round ways. John Grady has an intimate relationship with e rattling(prenominal) horses and understands the initiation of horses inordinately well.On his journey from Texas to Mexico, he learns that the world of manpower is very different from that of horses and is forced to rethink around the relationship between humans and horses. John discovers that his preconceiv ed flightinesss ab break through custody and human society argon false. He finds that they do not live in a romantic world, as he had believed. Therefore, the title that McCarthy has chosen is ironic and symbolizes the change that John experiences. The author uses the title to represent Johns sign perspective on the world, which turns out to be the opposite later on.Johns life, like every(prenominal) of Western American society during the clockframe of the story, revolved around horses. In fact, I think that he is adequate to understand the horses more than he does active men. The horses in the novel represent strength, untamed passion, and most importantly, license of tactile sensation. The veneration that the vaqueros have for horses is appargonnt in the tales Luis in legitimates the boys. the aging man only said that it was pointless to address of there creation no horses in the world for God would not permit such(prenominal) a thing (111). I feel that this quote d emonstrates to the readers very well on the strong feelings of passion of the vaqueros, cattle-ranchers, that they grade horses so highly that they are able to regard themselves as nearly divine.It also reinforces Johns romantic notion that horses are highly spiritual beings. Like the vaqueros, the boys respect the horses, and these animals play large roles in their lives. The boys use horses in mevery ways throughout the novel, such as companions and as means of conveyancing or escape. Johneven has dreams about horses, as his thoughts were of horsesstill wild on the mesa whod never seen a man afoot and who k new secret code of him or his life yet in whose souls he would come to reside forever (118). This style of expression used in referring to horses here wild and souls is noble-minded and almost poetic. Furthermore, the fact that John dreams about horses in this way and that he wants to reside forever in their souls shows that he, like the vaqueros, thinks of them very highly .Throughout the novel, the author does not fail to use romantic and emotional lecture to describe horses and their connections to humans. By using venerating diction in describing the horses, the author portrays these animals as noble being with wild spirits. Besides that, with vivid imagery, the author is able to paint us a poignant cast of horses. The painted ponies and the riders of that lost nation came down out of the north with their faces chalked and their long hair plaited and each gird for war which was their lifeWhen the wind was in the north you could hear them, the horses and the breath of the horses and the horses hooves that were shod in rawhide (5). This presentment of horses in the beginning of the novel demonstrates the passion and dedication that the author attributes to horses. The mood created by words such as painted ponies and the breath of the horses is aroused and emotion each(prenominal)y charged. The author also continues to describe the raw cipher an d life that flows through the horses.John Gradywas holding the horsewith the long bony head pressed against his chest of drawers and the hot sweet breath of it flooding up from the dark wells of its nostrils over his face and cervix uteri like news from other world (103). These metaphors such as the dark wells of its nostrils and news from another world create a forceful likeness of privy animals with a nature that is foreign to humans. The horses hot sweet breathflooding up displays the life and energy that fill the horses. This mysterious energy is also apparent later, when the author writes, He rode the last five horsesthe horses dancing, turning in the light, their crimson eyeball flashingthey moved with an air of great elegance and seemliness (107).This imagery of red eyes flashing and horses dancing is very mysterious yet still striking. The descriptive detail is very cinematic, and any of these scenes could easily be made into a movie. These extremely in depthdescriptio ns are so exaggerate that they are almost unrealistic, but they are able to create the desired effect in make horses seem mystical and bizarre. These are the romantic creatures that John sees, the pretty horses that can be taken send off the title.John Gradys connection with horses is as mystical as the horses themselves. He is one way or another, able to communicate with all horses on a deeper level than any other character in the story. This is evident on the Hacienda in the scene in which John and Rawlins are breaking some new horses. John cupped his hand over the horses eyes and stroked them and he did not stop lecture to the horse at all, speaking in a low steady voice and telling it all that he intended to do and cupping the animals eyes and stroking the terror out (103). Johns ability to stroke the terror out of the horses is just like in a case of a parent calming a frightened child. Obviously, he must have some natural tie with these animals if he is able to do this.Ind eed, the author has already unambiguously stated that such a bond does exist between John Grady and the horses earlier on when he writes, The boy who rode on slightly before him sat a horse not only as if he had been born(p) to it which he was but as if were he begot by malice or mischance into some give away land where horses never were he would have found them anyway (23). This passage shows that Johns relationship with horses extends into the metaphysical range, a view that is reinforced throughout the novel as more is revealed about John Grady and the horses. As Luis says, the horse shares a common soulif a person understood the soul of the horse then he would understand all horses that ever were (111). It seems like as if the author is trying to tell us that John Grady has this ability to be familiar with the soul of the horse, and that is why his relationship with horses is so unique.Johns reliance on his knowledge of horses as a guide in the world of men eventually reveals to him that the two species are actually very different. When John starts out on his journey, he has very little knowledge about the inner workings of the human society, but he has superficially assume men and horses to be similar. As the author writes in the opening of the novel, What he loved in horses he loved in men, the blood and the heat of theblood that ran them. All his reverence and all his fondness and all the leanings of his life were for the ardenthearted and they would always be so and never be otherwise (6).John knows that horses are ardenthearted and believes that men must be the same too. He thinks that his journey will be a romantic and passionate one, like the horses he loves, and will strengthen his view of the world. However, he soon learns that his assumption is not what the globe is. onward anything unfortunate happens to him, John hears from Luis that among men there was no such communion as among horses and the notion that men can be understood at all is pr obably an illusion (111). The first doubts then began to creep into Johns mind, and eventually, he finds out about this personally.Instead of pretty horses, Johns journey is filled with murder and stealing, prison and broken hearts. His ill-fated journey proves clearly about Luis point, and all destroys Johns belief that the world of men is at all an understandable thing. Finally, when it is all over, he returns home disappointed, only to find that both his father and his Abuela have died. Johns fanciful archetype of the world of men now has been completely replaced by a world thatseemed to care nothing for the old or the young or rich or poor or dark or gruesome or he or she. Nothing for their struggles, nothing for their names. Nothing for the living or the dead (301). The world of all the pretty horses is nothing to him now but a distant memory. This reveals the titles irony, a story titled All the Pretty Horses would apparently never involve the death and violence that is inc lude in Johns travels. Indeed, John has come full circle and realized that his original assumptions about men were false.The title of McCarthys novel All the Pretty Horses is not meant to be taken literally. Before he runs away, John Grady believes in the world of all the pretty horses, because he has never known anything else. However, his time in Mexico disheartens him and forces him to believe otherwise, that the real world is not so simple, carefree, or innocent. John learns that the romanticism that he ascribes to horses cannot be applied to men. John respects horses and experiences the praise of these animals in the folklore of the day. His relationship with horses exists on many levels, by being histransportation, his friends, and his spiritual companions. Furthermore, the author illustrates the horses with emotional diction creating almost a motif of passion whenever horses are described. Johns unusual understanding of the fervent spirit of horses leads him to believe that m en are the same. However, on his bleak and disappointing journey, he learns that men do not have the same passion of spirit as horses. Instead, they are un prefigureable, violent creatures, and their world is certainly not always pretty.I think that it is abruptly important for us as readers to understand what the author is trying to tell us by looking at at the title and try to understand deeper with the details that the author provides us. Initially I thought that this novel is just going to give details of various horses that man uses in many different ways. However, I was completely wrong on making the judgment by its cover title. This novel teaches us about the reality in human world that no one will be able to predict what is going happen. He illustrates the morals and ethics that have survived throughout the ages, while ending up with nothing else is left, leaving only memories to be reminders of the mysterious and naturally beautiful time period. I am sure after reading t his novel, one would never be able to forget the pain, suffering, romance, and above all faithfulness inscribed on its pages or in the memories of those who lived through it.

Sunday, May 19, 2019

Classical Music in Pop Culture Essay

There may notwithstanding be a glimpse of honorable news for the medicinal drug front. Recently Ive heard numerous goggle box commercials using pieces of classical music to display the message. Two of them, it must be stated, were for the same product, ane of those so called daily vitamins. One had a piece of Wagner the theme from Die Walkure and the other accented a melody from Mozarts Die Zauberflote. Actual operas, please note. And then another commercial for a remand seasoning, set in a restaurant, had Bachs BrandenBurg Concerto No. playing in the background. Could it be that a couple of advertising pack have determined that pa music has lost whatsoever of its train? I am lost in how these people go about determining what music to use, alone it seems luminous that they would want whatever they choose to support the product image and not defer the people to whom they are trying to sell it. Yes, it is entirely possible to use music sarcastically , and perhaps thats wha t is going on here. hardly to use a piece of Mozart sarcastically is still to expose the audience to a piece of Mozart, which in the normal way of things they may not encounter nywhere else. Its firm to see how good this is but it cant be that bad. Except for a single persona sided cassette of Beethoven(which I accidently taped over one day) there was no classical music in the kin when I was coming up. Whatever of that type of music I heard, I heard from television. And by television I dont mean the likes of Matlock. No, my earliest introduction to music of the serious sort was from the soundtrack of cartoons. The lifetime studios of Walt Disney and Warner Brothers, among others drew freely on the library of fine music as background and close totimes flat as foreground, as for xample when Bugs Bunny or Elmer Fudd appeared as the conductor of a symphony orchestra. Even when Bugs was the inflammatory rather than the highbrow, the music came through. I didnt hear too much in s chool, either which is a shame.As I recollect the musical interludes in school consisted of taking out slender books of songs and singing Jack and Jill and other similar songs. Some kids played in the band and soaked up some music that way being the class clown and lack of interest at the time, rendered me unfit for that path. But eventually I grew an interest in the drums and arching music, and started watching DCI(Drum Corps International), videos on YouTube. Doesnt it seem, though, that good music is something that might be included into the school day? It does not have to be analyse academically or formally appreciated. Just made available, as one might play little league football. Start early enough, and maybe boys wont pretend to be sick at the sound of a violin. Ive seen a couple of new commercials and they do succeed in fashioning me take notice. Im not going to buy those vitamin or the table seasonings, but I hope those who are inclined to do so will form a ositive ass ociation with some good music.Writing this paper I was really forced to think about classical music and not only is relevance in pop culture but also its contribution to pop culture. So I started my research and started seeing a lot about classical music and therapy. By the minute classical music is being incorporated into mainstream society. According to a research published in a alternative therapy medicine issue of the Journal of Clinical Nursing, classical music can cringe psychological stress among pregnant women.Researchers at the college nursing program at Kaohsiung Medical University conducted a theater of operations in which they randomly assigned a chemical group of women to classical music group and another to a country music group. the classical music group showed significant reductions in stress, anxiety, and opinion after vindicatory two weeks, using three established measurement scales(Chung-Hey). Followed by in comparison, the country music group showed a much s maller reduction in stress while there anxiety and depression scores showed little or no improvement.

Saturday, May 18, 2019

Coke vs. Pepsi: An Economic Analysis Essay

Executive SummaryIn this case study we will do an economic compend of devil major competitors reversal and Pepsi. We will air at the history of these to free-enterprise(a) giants and discuss how they clear evolved over the years to become rivals in the 21st Century. In this case study we will similarly look at the supply and demand of each companys products. Coke and Pepsi are non only in the beverage business they take away branched out into other arenas to continue world the leaders in their market. twain companies do business either over the world we will also look at how they size up internationally as well as nationally. We will look at production and cost in the short run and long run by analyzing each company economically.Each company has forecasted where they will be financially in the 21st Century and in this analysis we will calculate if they founder forecasted close to where they are today. Management is a big piece of the success of large firms such as Coke and Pepsi so we will look at the counsel styles of each one. By looking at management will analyze the strategic decision qualification of each firm and none any issues they get under ones skin had in the past or present with velocity management. Finally strategic decisions in oligopoly markets with regards to profit maximization is vital to the firm and the shareholders alike, we will analyze those strategies as well.After reading two of these competitive giants histories it is clear to turn over they are both trend setters in their own rights. Coca- dummy was being formulated in Atlanta in a pharmacy and selling to the gameyest degree 9 drinks a day to like a shot selling over 1 billion servings of Coke products a day. With Coke the product has al slipway been an advertisement junkie from its beginnings when the founder put the Coca-Cola name on everything to instantly having global ad campaigns. Pepsi has also been a media giant and has soared in the market because of its huge ad campaigns. Pepsi has been know to use mega stars like Michael Jackson and Brittney Spears to be spokesmen for the brand which has been a big success over the years. Both Coke and Pepsi have evolved and changes in look at take over the years. Coke in the first 90s tries to change the formula to New Coke and was soon back to what is known now as Coca-Cola Classic. Pepsi has also tweaked its formula only to revert back to the original.Both of these companies have some(prenominal) many brands and brand extensions. The competitive nature is apparent in each of these companies and will continue on. Coca-Cola seems to have a slight lead in the market and has always been a leader but not by a landslide Pepsi is always running close behind. There is both loyal Coke and Pepsi customers and some who enjoy both products and go back and forth. Coke has many brands like Minute Maid, Vitamin Water, Aquafina, Sprite, and many more. Pepsi also has many of the similar or similar brand s like Tropicana, Sobe Life Water, and more to coincide with Coke. grade extensions are very important in the success of these companies. Pepsi Cola and Coca-Cola were both started in the late 1800s by pharmacists in the south Pepsi in N.C. and Coke in GA. Pepsi Co was formulated in a union with the Frito Company which became Frito Lay. Brands like Frito Corn Chips and Lays Potato Chips and Pepsi together were formed in 1965.Though apart Frito was started in 1932 and Pepsi in 1895. This 1965 merger began a lifelong relationship and successful partnership. Doritos emerged in 1965 adding to the success and Pepsi enters Japan and eastern Europe as well. In the 70s Pepsi acquires things like Pizza Hut and Taco Bell, which adds to the brands solidity and its market value. face at these companies financially is where you can see how they stack up against each other. Coke has a unassailable positive outlook on the future. Pepsi also has a good outlook on future endeavors in the US and abroad. Coke being a huge international company brought in $27.8 billion of assoil operating revenues from operations outside the United States. (United States Securities and Exchange Commision, 2011) Coca-Cola also created 4,700 problems in 2011 in the opening of the abundant Plains Bottling Company in the US. These leaps and bounds made by Coke are nothing abnormal it is a huge marketer.One big issue for both Pepsi and Coke is water scarcity and that most credibly will have an effect on the companies productions costs which are in turn passed on to its consumers eventually. Coca- Cola is concerned with the water scarcity issue and reports I its 10-K filings that the water sustainability problem will more than potential have an effect on the company and reposts this, from overexploitation, increasing pollution, poor management and climate change as the demand for water continues to increase around the world, and as water becomes scarcer and the quality of available water deter iorates, our trunk may incur increasing production costs or face capacity constraints which could adversely reckon our profitability or net operating revenues in the long run (United States Securities and Exchange Commision, 2011) The PepsiCo Company faces the same type of troubles when it comes to externalities. The negative effects of these externalities will take a toll on the profits of all bottling companies since they will have to begin to develop ways to be productive without corrupting its external environment.In India drought has made water a scarcity and some of the blame is being put on Coca-Cola Bottling Plants in the area. In a village in India protest caused a $25 million a year plant to shut down. Some protestors say drinking Coke is like drinking a farmers blood Groundwater is not the only problem reported high levels of pollution have been reported as well and sludge fertilizer offered to farmers as a peace treaty high in levels of cadmium-laden in the sludge fert ilizer. Protestors say why they would do that and nothing about depleting water, Coke responds that those accusations have no merit. (Ehl, 2011) PepsiCo has had the same bad reputation for depleting water resources around the globe.Coalitions like Council of Canadians and Food and Water square up work to ensure the food, water, and fish we consume is assessable and sustainable. They also make sure the government does its job at protecting those resources as well. In conclusion Coke and Pepsi are both equally competitive and equally challenged with todays problems. Seeing the value in both of the companies is easy they have both been models for the beverage market and for the world market alike. By looking at the history of the companies it is clear to see they run neck and neck with on another.I think waiver forward with the companies that there has to be greater concern for the world economics and water depletion is part of that economical problem. Learning new ways to safely pro duce the products in areas that have an abundant supply of resources is the key to success here. Investing in the research and development of safe ways to bottle is on the forefront of both of the bottlers agendas. These are two extremely successful companies that have been around for over 100 years they are not going anywhere anytime soon.Works CitedEhl, D. (2011). Coca-Cola Charged with Groundwater Depletion and Pollution in India. Centerville Earth Talk. United States Securities and Exchange Commision. (2011). ANNUAL key PURSUANT TO SECTION 13 OR 15(d) OF THE SECURITIES. 10-K Filings , 12-13.

Friday, May 17, 2019

Risk Management and Service User

Anita Byrne ACV5222 whole 504 DEVELOP HEALTH AND SAFETY AND RISK MANAGEMENT POLICIES, PROCEDURES AND PRACTICES IN HEALTH AND SOCIAL CARE OR CHILDREN AND YOUNG PEOPLE SETTINGS (M1) 1,1 understand the current legislative frame and organisational well upness, condom and risk of exposure anxiety policies, procedures and pr performanceices that ar relevant to health and social clear up do or children and young peoples setting. As an organisation that manages health and guard we recognise that the relationship between retainling risks and general health is at the very centre of the problem itself.The starting point for managing health and refuge in the travelplace which demonstrates the practices commitment to health and gumshoe and sets come on aims and objectives in relation to this identifies the individual health and safety roles and responsibilities and the communication channels with-in the practice Summarises the practical federal agency in which health and safet y is managed and objectives met. The organisation is required to soak up a health and safety form _or_ system of government in place in order to comply with the health and safety at croak act 1974.The act is the primary piece of health and safety legislation deep down the UK. It is an enabling act oft referred to as the umbrella act, which means that regulations burn be introduced with- expose eh collect for additional primary legislation. The wellness and sentry go at crop Act likewise says that employers must, so far as is reasonably practicable digest a safe place to work a safe milieu and adequate welf be facilities safe equipment and systems of work safe arrangements for using, discourse, storing and transporting articles and substances associated with work sufficient information, instruction, training and supervision for employee The act is tolerateed by umteen other regulations and pieces of legislation, one of the most significant organism the Management o f Health and safety at performance regulations (MHSWR) 1999. A crucial element of these regulations is the extremity for employers to brook in place systems to manage health and safety.The proficiency of risk mind wasting diseased to identify hazards, evaluate risks, confirm planning and put effective control measures in place supports such systems. In recent years, the risk cargon has been influence by the growth awareness of the number of errors, resultants and near misses that happen in social tutelage practice and the effect of the safety of improvement exploiters and the consequence has been the development of serve user safety initiatives which have wedded a return user focus to the perplexity of risk within the social care setting.The health and safety at work act underpins this aim and clearly describes the employers duty of care not only for staff but towards the mortals other than employees such as usefulness users, attached staff visitors, and mem ber of the world, contractors and delivery personnel. The principals and duties outlined in this policy apply, therefore, to anyone affected by the practices activities. 1. 2 nalyse how policies, procedures and practices in bear setting meet health, safety and risk management requirements. The main piece of legislation affecting the management of health & safety is the Health & safety act at work 1974. This act provides a modelling for ensuring the Health & safety of entirely employees in any work activity. It also provides for the Health & safety of anyone put on the line sagaciousnesss with the workings environment Adult protection & safe guarding Person centre planning & risk managementWhen working in line with the organisations policies and procedures to match that the staff team create a safe working environment and assist user care plans and risk management plans dont impact on their exemption of choice but they ensure that they are safe with the life style they c hoose to live, I study to balance those choices against our risk management plans for example we have a service user who lives in her possess flat within the complex of the infrastructure and beliefs that her bed is to high and asked her family to put the mattress on a gage of bricks rather than have the bed frame lowered.When staff discovered this, they informed cured staff who time-tested to explain why their actions could not be all(a)owed to carry on as staff who helps the service user make her bed may sustain an injury. The family could not see that we have a legal requirement to work within the safety of the health and safety legislation. I did suggest that we highlight a mitigate/maintenance job for the bed to be lowered that is safe to use for both the service user and staff.Also within the employment before an activity can be under taken we are required to complete a risk assessment and any areas where we need to put safety measures in to limit the potential risks thusly this must be done before the activity can take place as well as demonstrating that we need to monitor staffs working practices and review and update the risk assessment at the appropriate times. In delivering a registered care service all staff must have mandatory health and safety training before completing any apt(p) toil whether this be fire safety, food hygiene, manual use, infection control, first maintenance etc. f staff have not received this training then they cannot complete the task, thus ensuring that all service users welfare are giving top priority in line with look and safety outcomes. As the acting registered care manager I need to complete regular health and safety audits and note clear records to demonstrate competence and that we are meeting the requirements of the law. At times when carrying out an audit I have noticed that a food safety check as not been completed or a fire test got missed and in line with my roles and responsibilities I must addres s my findings with the senior team, the kitchen staff etc.This get out be done in our staff and team meetings. Minutes of these meetings will be taken and stored in the named files so that they can be used for further audits and inspections that are required in line with our policies and procedures, duty of care and relevant legislation. 4. 3 evaluate own practice in promoting a balanced go up to risk assessment. A good standard of record remaining is imperative to support our quality audits and framework for our risk management plans, risk assessment and person centre practice to give out a lifestyle of their choice.When evaluating our own practice and our documentation I will look at- Policies, protocols and guidelines to keep staff and management informed Information regarding, health and safety, care delivery and CQC outcomes for outgo practice and domineering outcomes for service users Information about systems, for example risk management plans, incident compositioni ng. Complaints. Service user care plans Other ways to evaluate own practice is through regular audits and regulatory inspections which enables a magisterial assessment or estimation of the process or outcome of a work activity, to determine whether it is in effect(p) making progress towards a bad-tempered goal Efficient achieving a particular target with the to the lowest degree effort Economic achieving a successful outcome with the minimum cost Essentially audits measure what the staff team are doing against what they should be doing. Internal and external audits involve systematically looking at the procedures within the practice that are used for diagnosis, care and support measures to our service user that enable them to lead a life of their choice, by examining how associated resources are used and nvestigating the effect carer has on the outcome and quality of life for the service user. Conversely, research is concerned with the identification of best practice, where a audit establishes, whether agreed best practice is being followed, and according to Smith (1992) Research is concerned with discovering the duty thing to do audit with ensuring that it is done right and that we are involving service users in line with our person centred approach.Another system that we use to evaluate our practice for promoting a person centred practice that includes a balance approach to risk management is in our statutory care review meetings where the service user, their family, staff and other professionals will review the care plan and risk management plans to ensure that we are sill meeting the service user needs and that they are happy with the level of activities and levels of support they are receiving.Also these meetings may raise concerns and these concerns will be addressed to ensure that safety and wellbeing of the service user is being met either from staff within the home or by others. These changes will be recorded in their care plan and reviewed i n line with our evaluation procedures. Any changes to a service users care plan will be discussed in our daily handover sessions and staff meetings to make sure that all staff who support the service user know of these changes and the additional resources and support that is being put in by the people who are supporting the service user.As the manager I will also use staff meetings, supervisions and training sessions to evaluate my own and others within the teams performance to ensure that we are meetings our health and safety requirements as well as promoting a person centred approach that ensure a balanced approach to risk assessments that cover the working activities in running a registered care home. 4. 4 analyse how dowry others to understand the balance between risk and rights improves practice.To analyse and help to understand the balance of service users and the public involvement is part of everyday practice in the NHS (DH 2005b) who have identified a number of principles that underpin the delivery of resident led services. PRINICIPLES OF RISK AND RIGHTS FOR IMPROVMENTS HAVE BEEN TO UNDERPIN THE DELIVERY OF RESIDENT LED service Provide residents with the correct information and choices that deliver them to feel in control understanding that they are the best judge of their life/how they wish to live their life Ensure everyone receives not just high quality care, but care with consideration for their needs at all times. Treat people as gay beings and as individuals, not just people to be processed Ensure people always feel valued by the service and are treated with respect, dignity, and compassion Explain whats happening if things go misuse and why, and agree a way forward At the home when we complete our risk management plans we will involve the service user, their family and others who maybe supporting them from the wider community. I will discuss each task and outline any concerns that we may have and how these concerns can be addressed wi thout imposing on the service users rights, dignity, choice etc. ut I must make sure that I protect the service user and the staff in carrying out the task etc. I feel this process of inform others, discussing the issues can go a long way in destiny others to understand why things can be done and or cannot be undertaken unless additional measures are put in place. This process also assists others in seeing where the potential risk of harm may take place and why we are constantly reviewing our work activities and the abilities of the service users to cooperate with staff when carrying out an activity etc.The same process will be used in staff meetings to ensure that the team can fully understand their roles and responsibilities and reasons why additional measures have been put in place. Also when staff understand the culture of the organisation and the home they themselves will undertake the process without thinking and therefore ensure that the working environment is safe for ever yone. By allowing others to understand the balance between risks and rights, you improve practice because they know what is acceptable and what isnt.This makes work more compulsive and makes the care that is given more effective and more suitable to the service users that require it. By helping others to do this, you are helping them improve their job, and helping them develop with their own knowledge, which they can pass on to other employers this is peer learning. 5. 1 obtain feedback on health, safety and risk management policies, procedures and practices form individuals and others. The polices, procedures and practices at the home have been developed, reviewed and updated in line with health and safety legislation and our CQC registration requirements.This ensures that the homes working practices are monitored, audited and inspected throughout the year and feedback from the records and reports are discussed and recommendations are implemented. These are reviewed yearly by the organisation and any feedback given is used to promote and improve the services within the home. The context of feedback can be used as a learning tool. The practice of over-learning produces reinforcement of a sense of achievement before moving on to the next stage, it can enable a person to move towards independence in a particular skill.The principles of feedback include beginning and ending with positive comments, any suggestion for development that focus on invalidating aspects of the skills should be included in the middle. The reason for that learning is closely associated with self-esteem and motivation for ensuring that the working environment is safe. CQCs the essential standards of quality and safety consist of 28 outcomes that are set out in two pieces of legislation The health and social care Act 2008 (regulated activities) Regulation 2012 and the Care Quality guardianship (registration) regulations 2009 and for each regulation, there is an associated outcome the xpe riences that will be expected of healthcare professionals as a government issue of the service and care provided and feedback for each outcome must be addressed by the manager. I will also get feedback from various health and safety contractors, visitors to the home who carry out regular maintenance work within the home, environmental health inspections etc. With all these visits to the home I will receive feedback on our good practice and compliance as well as areas in which we need to improve upon and non-compliances.This feedback is important to ensure that the team and I meet the required standards and that the home and our activities are undertaken in a safe manor. 5. 2. evaluate the health and safety and risk management policies and procedures and practices within the work setting At the Manor House, we have numerous policies and procedures in place, all dispersed over a wide variety. They include Accident and Incident Reporting and Investigation Asbestos Building Mainte nance Care run Construction Management Site Access and Surveying Consultation and Communication Contractors Electrical Safety extract Safety First Aid Food Hygiene Safety in Food Preparation Areas flub Safety Grounds Maintenance Handling and Disposal of Waste Hazardous Substances COSHH, Radon Health and Safety Information and Training Health and Safety Management Monitory and Review, Inspections and Surveys Health and Wellbeing at Work Alcohol, Drugs, CommunicableDisease, Immunisation, Pre-employment medical, Pregnant Women, Smoking, Stress, Work related absenteeism and Young persons. Manual handling Office safety display screenland equipment Personal Protective Equipment Personal safety, violence and lone working Property management security and visitors, workplace standards, welfare facilities Risk Assessment Safe use and maintenance of equipment at work lifts and lifting equipment, vehicles at work Sheltered schemes pee management Other guidan ce Definitions Amendment record Accidents and incidents index of incident records form, RIDDOR reporting form, servite incident reporting form, care services residents incident reporting form o Workplace moving and handling assessments moving and handling operations preliminary risk assessment form, moving and handling operations risk assessment form, moving and handling care plan o Workplace risk assessments and young person at work risk assessments scheme/office/kitchen/staff room workplace risk assessment forms, double of schemes contractors risk assessments or method statements, young persons at work risk assessment form, freshly and expectant mothers risk assessment, night worker health assessment form o Moving and handling equipment inspection record, moving and handling equipment inspection record, moving and handling equipment defects record o First aid records first aid record sheet, first aid kit maintenance defects record o Water treatment records (including tempe rature monitory, flushing and de-scaling) shower/spray flushing and de-scaling record sheet, water temperature record sheet o Food safety records fridge and freezer temperature record sheet o Electrical test records ( take-away appliances and building installation optical electrical inspection of void properties form, portable electrical equipment visual inspection record sheet, record of portable test, redundant equipment disposal form, dopy of building installation report and certificate o DSE assessment records Asbestos canvass reports scheme asbestos survey report o Gas safety records record of reasonable steps taken (when no access granted) form, regional committee report on the progress of petrol safety inspections form, gas servicing report, copy of gas certificate o Control of substances hazardous to health assessments and safety information sheets copies of safety data sheets for every cleaning product used at the scheme o Health and safety audit and survey reports health and safety survey form, schemes health and safety audit report completed by the health and safety team o Passenger lift inspection records copy of certificate, passenger lift inspection and insurance reports o Personal protective equipment maintenance records reports o alone(predicate) worker alarm maintenance record reports Remote alarm/pendant checks pendant check form, away alarm check form o 3rd party forms o Waste o feller o Business continuity arrangements The positives of having all these policies, procedures and risk managements in place is that it covers everything, meaning that we know what is considered wrong and what is considered correct. The negatives are that because there are so many in place, some can be left field out or not remembered, sledding the work setting unsuitable for service users perhaps, or leaving the standard of care low but because we have them all, and are all used frequently, they are all understood, this is a positive out of the ne gative situation. SEE AC 1. 2 5. - identify areas of policies, procedures and practice that need improvement to ensure safety and protection in the work setting Here, there are some areas of policies and procedures of/and practice that may need improvement, this is because they are good, but not at the best standard I think they could be. These are health and safety audits, the medication rounds, maintenance of equipment and staff training. The medication rounds could be alter by making them faster, or by having more staff working on it, to increase the speed of residents getting their required medication. The maintenance of equipment could be improved by having it done sooner rather than later, so there isnt as much of an issue if the equipment is required and cant be used as it isnt working.Health and safety audits can be improved by making them more frequent and detailed, so you can understand the issues more and also notice where the good aspects are. Staff training can be im proved by making it more important and motivational, and by making it more frequent to allow better development of career work. 5. 4 recommend changes to policies. procedures and practice that ensure safety and protection in the work setting The changes that I recommend would only be improvements, and the improvements would be to make the policies and procedures more spread out, so they cover more areas of the work setting, so everything has a policy or procedure to make it more effective and reliable.Reviewing the policies and procedures would be a start to see where the changes could happen and be recommended, to ensure safety I would recommend a change to the health and safety act policy, to give it a wider variety of protection of the work setting, to add more safer equipment and make the environment safer, by having less sedate objects around that could be harmful in anyway to a resident, visitor or staff member. I would recommend a change in the frequency of procedures dealin g with forms and assessments, to make sure everything is canvas frequently, to make sure there are no problems or issues that are missed if they are only checked every now and then, this would be like risk assessments, fire safety, equipment checks or kitchen assessments etc. There isnt a lot I would recommend to change, but if I had to, it would be most likely to do with frequency or variety.